Lets get build a snowman.*stl
For our snowman we need three sphere which are going to be the body of the snowman, one hat which is make up of two cylinder and at least one cylinder for the nose.
Lets get started.
Step 1: Take two spheres from 3D Shapes and change the radius to 15 and 20 from 10. If you click on render you will see just one sphere because the big one which has radius 20 is included with the small one which has 15. To see the both sphere lets click on Transforms and take translate and bring together with sphere with 15 like a puzzle piece. Then change the axis from z from 0 to 20 so you can see the both spheres.
I think you are thinking if it would be better to set up a white as a color for the snowman 🙂 To do this you can click on transforms and take color. After setting up white you can click two times + to have more block and bring the sphere with translation to second and anothere sphere to least one. The first one should be empty. Click render to see the progress.