The RockStartIt is a team of scientists creating and sharing visionary courses to bring beauty and joy to science and engineering education. Our goal is to explore the unknown to learn together, and we invite you to join us on our next expedition.
You will learn:
- How you can be active for a good cause with web development.
- How to use data science to gain new information and insights.
- How to use artificial intelligence for your own purposes.
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Women Und Girls In Computer Science
This research initiative seeks to understand why and how girls and women chose their subjects of interest or work in their chosen professions. The study will ultimately aim to find methods to improve computing education for girls and strategies on how best to encourage female success in computing and related disciplines.
We want to thank all the participants in our latest survey!
Thanks to their amazing openness and ability to retrospect about the struggles on their way to computer science, we were allowed to witness rare insights into the faults of the current and inspiring visions for the future education. Please find our first results of the ‘Women and Girls in Computing’ questionnaire here.
Find more in our latest publications on the topic: